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Planning Board Minutes 02/21/2013
February 21, 2013
Two Public Hearings
Shook ET AL (Lot Line Adj) & Risman-Jones (Major Site Plan Review)

Members & Staff Present:             Diane Chauncey (Secretary)     David Dubois (Chair)        
Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)             Janet McEwen (Alternate)         Carol Ogilvie (Consultant Planner)
Martha Pinello (Member)     Steve MacDonald (Member)     Charles Levesque (Member)      
Sarah VanderWende (Member)

Members & Staff Absent:
Mike Genest (Ex-officio)                
Public Attendees:  
Priscilla & Don Shook (applicants)        Dennis McKenney (surveyor)  
 Heidi & Richard Risman-Jones (applicants)            Earl Sandford (surveyor)
Jed Callahan (attorney)         Dee-Ann Dubois  Wes Enman

7:00PM Public Meeting
Shook Et AL - Lot Line Adjustment and Annexation of properties on Smith Road (Map 232 Lots 5 & 6) in the Rural District – Case #2013-02PB

Chair Dubois opened the Public Meeting, introductions were made, and the Public Notice was read.

Lot line adjustment and Annexation Checklist – The 56 items were reviewed line by line. The checklist is part of the permanent record (#2013-02PB).

Items of note:
#17 – Discussion of the percentage of wetland on the proposed smaller lot. Chair Dubois stated that he was comfortable as long as the surveyor felt there was enough area for a building. Mr. McKenney assured the Board that there was enough suitable area for a structure.
Motion: To waive; moved by Mr. Levesque; seconded by Vice-Chair Lazar. Unanimously approved by a roll call vote. The waiver was accepted.
#16 – Discussions concerning wetlands. Mr.  McKenney assured the Board that despite the wetlands, there was enough suitable area for a structure.
Motion: To waive; moved by Mr. Levesque; seconded by Ms. Pinello. Unanimously approved by a roll call vote. The waiver was accepted.
#22 – Condition to note the 4000 square foot area of the septic system
#23 – Waiver request by Mr. McKenney based on lot size and presence of existing
and approved septic system
Motion: To waive; moved by Mr. Levesque; seconded by Ms. Pinello. Unanimously   
approved by a roll call vote. The waiver was accepted.       
#33 - Waiver request by Mr. McKenney based on no new lots being proposed  
Motion: To waive; moved by Mr. MacDonald; seconded by Mr. Levesque. Unanimously   
approved by a roll call vote. The waiver was accepted.     
#39 – Condition to state that none of the property is subject to deed restrictions.

Motion: to accept the application request of Shook ET AL for a lot line adjustment and annexation of properties on Smith Road (Map 232 Lots 5 & 6) in the Rural District.  
Moved by Ms. VanderWende; seconded by Mr. Levesque. By a roll call vote, the Board voted unanimously to accept the application.

Public Hearing:
Chair Dubois asked Mr. McKenney to present his proposal.

Mr. McKenney described the lot line adjustment with the visual aid of two plans – one plan showed the current lots and the second plan showed the proposed lots – outlined in contrasting colors.
There were a few clarifying questions asked by Board members.

Chair Dubois asked if there was anyone who wished to speak for or against the proposal. There were no abutters or non-abutters who spoke.

Mr. Levesque asked Mr. McKenney to explain the “historical” lot lines shown on the plan.
Mr. McKenney explained that lots had been purchased by the current owners’ father over numerous years. The lots were merged decades ago and the plan numbers are noted on the plans.

Motion: to approve the application request of Shook ET AL for a lot line adjustment and annexation of properties on Smith Road (Map 232 Lots 5 & 6) in the Rural District, with five conditions.

The following conditions apply to this approval:
Planning Board requirements, commitments and agreements made by the applicant and/or his agent as recorded in the meeting minutes dated February 21, 2013 and subsequent meetings as they pertain to this application are a conditional part of this approval.
The applicant is to obtain a building permit for any construction or alteration and adhere to all building, health and fire codes.
Subject to payment of LCHIP $25.00 fee at time of approval.
Note on mylar to state: “None of the property shown hereon is subject to deed restrictions or protective covenants.”
Delineation of 4000 square foot septic area on 5.1 acre lot (Tax Map 232 Lot 6) to be added to mylar

Moved by Mr. Levesque; seconded by Mr. MacDonald. By a roll call vote, the Board voted unanimously to approve the application.

Chair Dubois thanked the applicant and agent for attending and stated that the Notice of Decision would be completed within five days.

Risman Jones real Estate Development - for a proposed Childcare Center on property owned by Risman-Jones Real Estate Development located at 3 High Street (Tax Map 104, Lot 104), Antrim, NH 03440 in the Residential District. – Case #2013-04PB

Chair Dubois stated that the Town of Antrim Shoreland Requirements would be an outstanding question, but that the checklist would be reviewed in order to determine whether or not to accept the application.

The 70-item Checklist was reviewed line by line. The checklist becomes a part of the permanent record stored in the Planning Department

Items of note:
#28 –Special Exception was granted on 5/8/2012 (not Variance as stated) Note to be changed-satisfied
#37 – Question concerning Water & Sewer impact – Note 9 on the plan states that existing Water & Sewer will be used - satisfied
#43 – Provision for storage and removal of rubbish – Discussion of 2-wheeled trash bins shown on plan - satisfied
There was a discussion concerning state childcare regulations and how the play yard was to be fenced. Ms. Risman-Jones stated that she would be following all state regulations.

Another discussion concerned the Frameworks easement. Attorney Callahan stated that the access cannot be impeded but the access can be used.

Motion: to accept the application of Heidi Risman-Jones Real Estate Development, LLC by and through its Agent, Sandford Surveyor & Engineering for a Major Site Plan Review for a proposed Childcare Center on property owned by Risman-Jones Real Estate Development located at 3 High Street (Tax Map 104, Lot 104), Antrim, NH 03440 in the Residential District. Moved by Vice Chair Lazar; seconded by Ms. VanderWende. By a roll call vote, the board unanimously accepted the application.

Public Hearing:

Chair Dubois asked the applicant to present their proposal.

Mr. Sandford stated the following:
  • There are two existing separate structures. The garage will be demolished for a new structure which will be attached to the existing building
  • The applicant realized that the parcel is in Shoreland Protection but did not realize that the Town of Antrim also has a Shoreland Protection ordinance
  • The applicant’s agent had met with Craig Day for a DES pre-application and had discussed drainage mitigation
  • Parking spaces would be pervious and impervious
  • A raingarden will be installed; proposed drainage will improve the site
  • The parcel is a “tight site” – only .4 Acre
  • Proposed culverts were shown
  • Presented a workable design to facilitate traffic movement; stopping will be within site

Mr. Levesque asked if there had been a conclusion letter from Mr. Belliveau (owner of Frameworks)

Mr. Sandford explained that multiple attempts had been made with no results. He stated that the Risman-Jones wanted to be good neighbors, but he has not been available and that the project needed to move forward.

Questions were asked about the eleven parking spaces and information concerning the raingarden.

Chair Dubois asked if there were any abutters for or against the proposed project; and then if any attendees had comments.

Mr. Enman had a question about the parking spaces,

Mr. Sandford stated that 2 spaces were designated for the residents and the remaining nine would be for the childcare center    

Ms. Risman-Jones said that the 500 square foot building would be torn down and replaced with a 1300 square foot “green” structure.

Mr. Sandford said that the parcel was a disturbed site and that the proposed project would make it better.

Ms. Pinello asked about the soil testing and the letter from Keith Dubois of DES.

Mr. Sandford emphasized the underlined portion of the letter which stated the proposed purpose was “suitable for the site”.

Ms. VanderWende had questions concerning the number of employees and the number of children.

Ms. Risman-Jones said that there would be 2 or 3 full time employees. She said that the rooms were designed to be moveable to accommodate need. She stated that there was a lack of infant care in NH.

Chair Dubois asked about the outdoor lighting.

Ms. Jones stated that the outdoor lighting would go off at approximately 6PM for the childcare center and the resident would use as needed.

Chair Dubois asked if Ms. Risman-Jones had spoken personally to the abutters.

Ms. Risman-Jones said that she had spoken to all the abutters, but had not heard from Mr. Belliveaus.

Mr. Levesque asked if there was a copy of the certified letter, and proof of the tracking.

Ms. Risman-Jones stated that she would send the tracking information to the secretary, but that she wanted to move forward with the project.

Atty Callen stated there could be a condition to reference Shoreland Protection

Chair Dubois said that he would rather have complete understanding of the Antrim Shoreland Protection in order to make a condition.

Atty Callen said that it could be a condition precedent.

Chair Dubois said that he would rather have it clean.
Mr. Levesque suggested waiting to the March 7 meeting.

The Board discussed a site walk and continuing the meeting.
Mr. Levesque moved to continue the meeting to March 7, 2013. It was seconded by Vice Chair Lazar. All approved the continuation of the meeting.

The Board would review the site on March 4, 2013 at 4PM

The public hearing was closed.

Chair Dubois stated that if abutters attend, the Board would listen to their comments. If no abutters attend, the Board will go directly into deliberation.

Other business:

Knapton Circle – bond reduction request -    Approved to reduce to $41,500.

Excavation Regulations & Synopsis – hard copies


Southwest Region Planning Commission – Newsletter

Public Hearing – Milford Planning Board Notice of Hearing Acceptance of Application – 2/19/2013 at 6:30PM concerning a proposed cell tower off McGettigan Road, Map 10, Lot 1-1

At 9:50 PM, Mr. MacDonald moved to adjourn; Ms. VanderWende seconded. All approved.

Respectfully submitted,
Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board